The Segmental Info System

Weather in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean in May

Photo credit: © Grand Velas Riviera Maya
May Weather in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean

Typical Weather in May

Temperatures in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean during May generally vary between an average high during the day of 88.0 degrees and an average low at night of 77.0 degrees

Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean in May: Key Facts
Monthly Averages
High Low Rainfall
No. of Days
with Rain
88.0° F 77.0° F N.A. 4.0

 During the early morning hours of an average May day in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean, you can expect the temperature will be in the vicinity of 76.0 degrees. In May, temperatures typically rise to around 86.7 degrees by early afternoon. By the early evening hours in May the temperature will generally fall to somewhere in the vicinity of 81.5 degrees. Overall, temperatures in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean during May average around 82.2 degrees.

May Temperatures in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean by Time of Day
Early Morning Late Morning Early Afternoon Late Afternoon Early Evening Overall
76.0° F 84.2° F 86.7° F 85.5° F 81.5° F 82.2° F



During May, rain is most likely to occur around 9:00 PM , and least likely to occur around 9:00 AM . To the extent thunderstorms occur in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean during May, they are most likely to occur around 6:00 AM , as shown in the following table.


May Rainfall in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean by Time of Day
  Percent Frequencies of Hourly Observations
Hour Rain
12:00 AM (midnight) 3.1 % 0 %
3:00 AM # #
6:00 AM 3.1 % 0.3 %
9:00 AM 2.1 % 0 %
12:00 PM (noon) 3.2 % 0.2 %
3:00 PM 2.5 % 0 %
6:00 PM 3 % 0 %
9:00 PM 3.4 % 0 %
ALL 2.9 % 0.1 %


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